September 19, 2024
September 3, 2024

64 Incredible Teacher Apps for a More Organized Classroom

Imagine you're a teacher, staring down the first day of school with excitement and dread. Sure, you look forward to connecting with your new students and learning about their unique backgrounds and interests. But you can't shake the feeling that a mountain of grading, lesson planning, and organization is looming over you, threatening to ruin the fun. Teacher apps help tackle your to-do list so you can focus on what matters: your students. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of artificial intelligence in education, including how incorporating AI in the classroom can personalize learning experiences and enhance student engagement. Additionally, we'll look at how teacher apps can help streamline classroom processes to save you time and reduce your stress.

One tool that can help you achieve your classroom goals is This grading software for teachers automates the grading process, so you don't have to spend hours poring over essays and assignments. Instead, you can get fast, accurate results and reclaim your valuable prep time. 

How Has Technology Changed Education?

student using a laptop - Teacher Apps

The days of educating using blackboards and textbooks are long gone. Digital technology has significantly changed the face of education over time. By 2027, the market for AI education is expected to grow to $20 billion. What specific changes have technology brought about in education, and what does this mean for the future?

From Passive to Active Learning

Students are no longer passive recipients of knowledge. With interactive whiteboards, they actively participate. They collaborate and engage in the learning process, transforming their educational experience. 

Interactive tools make learning dynamic and interactive, increasing involvement and motivation. 81% of students believe digital devices increase their productivity and GPA. 82% of respondents said digital learning resources and tech gadgets are more accessible. Because of this accessibility, they can study for longer periods.

The Ways Technology Has Changed Education

The way students learn will continue to evolve for years regarding AI in education. But let’s take a look at how education technology has impacted learning to the present day:

Virtual Reality

In the past, sophisticated modeling and simulation tools were exclusive to tech companies. Now, these tools are more accessible. This change opens up new opportunities for various industries. Today, these tools are widely available.

Dynamic Learning

Instructors can now easily incorporate them into their courses. This accessibility has revolutionized how educational content is delivered.

These resources enable students to engage with their material more dynamically. They offer a visual approach. This interactive method enhances the learning experience. Teachers may now create dynamic learning environments that mirror real-world situations and occurrences.

AR Learning

One simulation technology revolutionizing future education is Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented Reality allows students to interact with virtual concepts. 

It integrates virtual elements into the actual environment, enhancing learning experiences. It has been shown that this facilitates their ability to take in and remember new knowledge.

Online Tools And Learning Content

In a traditional classroom setting, the main instructional tools were books and movies. This has altered dramatically with the increasing availability of mobile apps in education. 86% of eLearning graduates believe the value they received outweighed the cost of their courses, making them a wise investment.

Accessible Knowledge

Knowledge is now accessible to everyone, because of:

  • Blogs
  • Online courses,
  • Digital education platforms

This makes learning easier for everyone, regardless of age, location, or financial status.

Personalization And Adaptability

Gen Z and millennials expect personalized products and services. Younger students share these expectations in education. They desire tailored learning materials. This aligns with their preferences elsewhere. In the past, a teacher would not have the time to adapt a lesson plan for every student. 

Students have access to numerous digital learning materials. They can study independently, catering to their preferences. Extra time from instructors isn't necessary. They can choose the most effective learning methods.

Glorifying The Role Of Teachers

The increasing use of technology in the classroom is changing the role of teachers. In classrooms today, digital technologies are starting to change how instructors teach. This happens at all levels of education. Even when teachers are physically present, technology alters their role.

Active Learning

Students are now expected to take a more active role in their education and to feel more ownership over it. Teachers nowadays focus more on teaching study skills and independent internet research. 

They emphasize learning methods rather than just imparting knowledge. This approach encourages students to use smart devices effectively. It fosters critical thinking and self-reliance in their academic pursuits.

Collaborative Learning

Many universities provide online classes, but group learning hasn't necessarily decreased. Students can now collaborate easily due to abundant materials. This shift to online learning doesn't mean fewer group interactions. Instead, students have more resources at their disposal.

Students perform better in group projects and courses using specialized collaboration tools. Virtual classrooms also aid in this collaboration. 

Students' active participation increases, and they communicate ideas more effectively. This happens both inside and outside the classroom environment.

8 Advantages of Technology in Education

woman standing and using laptop - Teacher Apps

1. Boosting Student Engagement with Technology

Students who use technology in the classroom are more engaged. When schools have a 1:1 initiative (one device for every student), students benefit because technology can integrate more smoothly into the curriculum. 

Many teachers use interactive software and programs as learning technologies so students can respond to questions and lectures digitally. Gamified learning makes education fun and engaging as students earn badges and move through competencies.

2. Technology Makes Collaboration Easy

Technology makes it easier for students to collaborate and save their work. Traditionally, when students collaborated, they may have created posters or notes of their work. 

Technology allows students to create digital collections of research and ideas. They can draw and write together in the same program, creating fully collaborative documents and projects.

3. Inclusion and Accessibility

Technology allows some students to be included in the classroom in ways they have never been before. Many students who receive special education can benefit from technology that helps them write, spell, read, and do mathematical computation. 

Word processors can point out spelling mistakes to students. Adaptive readers highlight text or read aloud to students so they can research and use websites like their peers using technology. As technology becomes more prevalent in schools, students who receive special education and use a laptop for help will not stand out or seem out of place.

4. Differentiation and Personalized Learning

Technology gives students access to various programs and information sources at the simple click of a button. Teachers can find leveled readers or allow students to choose research topics that fit their interests much more easily than by going to the library, where resources may be limited. 

Teachers can assign programs to help students remediate or expand their knowledge so that students can process or investigate topics further. This can be done during centers or group work, freeing the teacher to attend to individual students or other small groups. Using technology ensures that all the students get what they need.

5. Productivity and Organization

Analog tools need to be tended to, cared for and replaced. Using technology allows students to access what they need when they need it. They can keep calendars online, and teachers can push due date reminders in a learning management system (LMS)

Word processors do not need to be sharpened and online books do not get lost. Technology allows students instant access to all the materials they need, saving:

  • Time
  • Space 
  • Mental effort

6. Technology Fosters Creativity

The content available online is endless. Students interested in learning about arts, music, videos and virtually anything else can find plenty of resources. Any creative endeavor that calls on a student can be supported by technology. 

Tablets have the capability to capture students' sketches. Editing software lets students bring photos to life and manipulate them creatively. Technology can enhance creativity rather than inhibit it if students are given a choice about what they create.

7. Automation: Less Work for Teachers

A huge benefit of educational technology for teachers is automation. You can upload lessons into an LMS for students to access independently. 

Online assessments make grading easy, and parents can automatically be notified when students receive a failing grade. Teachers are always looking for ways to find more time in the day, and technology can assist in big ways.

8. Future Focused Learning: Preparing Students for Tomorrow

We do not yet know what types of jobs will be available when many of our students are adults joining the workforce, but we do know that technology is not going anywhere. Students will need strong technology skills to be successful in whatever job or career they may go into after school. 

Having a mindset that embraces learning and using new technology can make a difference in a student's future.

Fast Grading with Essaygrader

Save 95% of your time grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific, and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds with EssayGrader's grading software for teachers. Get started for free today!

Related Reading

9 Unique Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom

students in a classoom - Teacher Apps

1. Gamified Learning: Make Education Fun Again

Gamified learning, or game-based learning, uses gaming elements to make lessons more engaging. Research shows that gamified learning can boost student motivation and performance. 

One example of a gamified learning experience is Pear Practice (formerly Giant Steps), a digital learning experience designed to help K-12 teachers boost student collaboration and independent practice from the makers of GoGuardian Teacher and Pear Deck, two of the world's most popular learning platforms. 

Gamified Learning

While learning software can be a great teaching tool, gamified learning can also be as simple as creating a virtual scavenger hunt by creating a list of questions for students to search and find the correct answers for and adding students to pairs or groups to encourage collaboration and teamwork.

2. Digital Field Trips: Explore the World From Your Classroom

An increasingly popular, useful, and cost-effective tool for teachers searching for new ways to use technology in the classroom is taking digital field trips. Google Street View and similar apps allow you to virtually explore parks, forests, and even national and international landmarks from the comfort of your classroom. 

Virtually experience the view from the Statue of Liberty or hike through the Grand Canyon to get students excited to learn about a location or subject and extend learning beyond the page.

3. Integrate Social Media: Meet Students Where They Are

Because students already spend so much of their time on social media, integrating its use into your classroom is among the most innovative ways to use technology in the classroom by connecting students to:

  • Curriculum
  • Classroom resources
  • One another

Create a Facebook group specifically for your class where you post discussion topics or develop unique classroom Twitter hashtags students can use to discuss lessons or ask questions.

4. Gather Student Feedback: Check in With Students

The true test of any classroom structure and/or curriculum is how well it helps students learn, and getting feedback from students is vital to assessing this, determining what is and isn’t working, and addressing problems and confusion as they arise. Use online surveys and polls to perform daily or weekly check-ins with students to get their opinions on lessons and address lingering questions or concerns. 

Expand on using Twitter hashtags by having students tweet their feedback and questions with a classroom hashtag.

5. Creating Digital Content: Let Students Showcase Their Learning

Creating digital content related to the things they are learning is a great way for students to display their creative talents as well as showcase learning. As with any other project, the process of creating content is most effective when students can express themselves in ways that highlight and accommodate their strengths and learning/communication styles. 

Provide options for students to express themselves through blogs, videos, podcasts, eBooks, flyers, other digital art, or any other means they feel most comfortable with. Respecting each student’s individuality and need for creative expression helps them flourish as learners.

6. Using a Classroom Calendar: Keep Everyone Organized

Develop a shared online calendar for your classroom through Google Calendar or a similar program for posting important updates. Post assignment due dates and classroom events (such as field trips and guest speakers) in one easily accessible location for teachers and students. 

Go further and share the calendar with caregivers to keep them connected and engaged with their child’s learning.

7. Review and Critique Webpages: Teach Students Digital Literacy

While we know you can find almost anything on the internet, we also know much of what you may find is not reliable information from reliable sources. I remember being told frequently by teachers and professors, Wikipedia is not a reliable source when doing research papers, but can’t recall a single instructor who explained why. 

Empower your students with digital literacy to analyze and discern reliable web pages and sources from unreliable ones by reviewing them together and developing and communicating standards for what makes a good source.

8. Video/Multimedia Lessons and Presentations: Bring Lessons to Life

Bring presentations to life for students by incorporating:

  • Visual effects
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Music

Developing slideshows and digital presentations, playing music or a video for background and context while presenting, or inviting virtual guest speakers to engage with your class via programs designed for conference calls (such as Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facetime) are all fun and creative ways to boost engagement with lessons while teaching the benefits of technology and multimedia use.

9. Online Activities for Students Who Finish Work Early: Support Individual Pacing 

Set up learning stations to encourage and support students working at their own pace. If a student finishes an assignment early, rather than being stuck waiting for other students to catch up or for class to end, students can extend and enhance their learning by visiting a learning station and watching videos, playing learning-based games, or exploring other online activities related to their studies.

64 Incredible Teacher Apps for a More Organized Classroom

woman using a laptop - Teacher Apps

Grading takes a significant amount of time. Luckily, several apps simplify the process and even reduce the time it takes to give quality feedback to students. Let’s look at some of the best grading apps for teachers.

1. EssayGrader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 60,000+ educators worldwide. On average, it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, but with EssayGrader, that time is cut down to 30 seconds. That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results.

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our essay summarizer

Teacher Trust

Our AI tool helps primary school, high school, and college professors grade their students' essays. On our platform, 60,000+ teachers graded over half a million essays. Save 95% of your time grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific, and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds with EssayGrader's grading software for teachers. Get started for free today!

2. Quick Grader

QuickGrader is an app designed to make grading tests, quizzes, and homework easy for:

  • Teachers
  • Professors
  • Anyone responsible for grading

Enhanced Grading

It is a big improvement from traditional paper grading calculators, offering a completely customizable interface that includes various useful features such as the ability to grade with:

  • Half-point values
  • Adjustable decimal values
  • Plus/minus grading

The interface is also user-friendly and easy on the eyes. QuickGrader has a feature that prevents the screen from dimming, allowing users to focus on grading. The app also includes Point-Based Grading, which allows users to enter the maximum point value for a test or quiz. The app will automatically recalculate scores and provide a direct calculation of the number of points earned.

3. Groovy Grader

Groovy Grader is an app that aims to replace the traditional paper grading calculator with more flexibility and convenience. It can handle many questions and display grades as a whole number or with one decimal place. It also shows the number of correct and incorrect answers. 

Its design focuses on usability. Users can view up to 50 grades at once and can turn off the auto-dim feature for ease of use. Overall, it aims to make the grading process more efficient and user-friendly.

4. BookWidgets

BookWidgets is an app that offers a wide range of activity types for teachers to create interactive and engaging digital activities and quizzes. They can include their:

  • Text
  • Images,
  • Questions
  • Creativity

​​Flexible Widget

The created widget can be shared privately with a simple link or embedded in any learning management system and works on any device. This app is suitable for:

  • Blended learning
  • Flipped classrooms
  • Traditional classrooms

The analytics feature allows for the tracking of learner activity, making it easy for teachers to:

  • Review 
  • Grade student work

5. Flubaroo

Flubaroo is a free tool designed to help teachers quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. It is not just a grading tool; it also provides additional features that can assist teachers in their grading process.

Detailed Analytics

It calculates the average assignment and average scores per question and highlights questions that received low scores. It also provides a grade distribution graph, visually representing how the class performed. 

The tool allows teachers to email each student their grade and an answer key and send individualized feedback.

6. Gradebook Wizard

Gradebook Wizard is an app that helps teachers create and manage grade books. It allows teachers to easily record, track, and calculate student grades and can help with grading in several ways.

Efficient Gradebook

It allows teachers to easily record student grades for assignments and exams and track attendance and homework completion. The app automatically calculates student grades based on the weighting of different assignments and exams, which:

  • Saves teachers time 
  • Reduces the risk of errors

Gradebook Wizard generates reports that teachers can use to:

  • Track student progress
  • Communicate with parents
  • Identify areas where students are struggling

7. Planbook

Planbook is an app that helps teachers plan, organize, and schedule their lessons. It can also help in grading in several ways. It allows teachers to create and manage their lesson plans, including:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Exams

It allows teachers to grade:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Exams

Keep track of student performance. Planbook also allows teachers to customize the app to match their specific needs, such as creating their:

  • Grading scales
  • Weighting assignments and exams
  • Adding custom categories

8. Google Forms

Google Forms is a tool for creating surveys, quizzes, and other types of assessments. It can also be used in the classroom to create quizzes or tests that students can take online. This can be helpful for grading, as it allows teachers to quickly and easily grade multiple-choice and short-answer questions. 

Google Forms allows for instant feedback to be given to students, which can help them understand where they need to improve. It also allows for easy sharing of quizzes and tests with students and tracking their progress. It also allows for creating self-grading quizzes that can save the teacher time and effort in grading.

9. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a web-based learning management system created by Google. It allows teachers to:

  • Create and manage assignments
  • Provide feedback
  • Communicate with students

Digital Classroom

It can be used in the classroom to create and distribute assignments and quizzes to students, which can be:

  • Completed 
  • Submitted online

This can help teachers to quickly and easily grade and provide feedback on student work. Google Classroom allows for easy sharing of assignments, quizzes, and other resources with students and tracking their progress.

Organization Apps

Organization is key to managing a classroom efficiently. With the right apps, teachers can stay on top of tasks, remember important deadlines, and keep their students organized too. Here are a few of the best organization apps for teachers.

10. Jotform Mobile Forms

With Jotform’s mobile app, teachers can use cloud-based forms to help organize their:

  • Classrooms
  • Facilitate surveys
  • Take notes
  • Administer quizzes, even without internet access

The forms can collect various data, and responses auto-populate streamlined tables to help you organize and analyze the information. Jotform Approvals can be useful when working with other teachers on lesson planning.

Classroom Automation

Jotform is an easy-to-use platform for integrating automation into the classroom. Teachers and educational institutions receive a 50 percent discount on paid plans (excluding Enterprise).

11. Educreations

Make virtual learning accessible and easy with Educreations. Record video lessons on the interactive whiteboard using the voiceover capabilities. 

You can share the video instantly and replay it anytime. Students can record their work, and then the teacher can share feedback and suggestions for improvement. 

12. Dropbox

Let students submit big projects seamlessly using Dropbox. Create shared folders so multiple people can contribute to a group project. 

With Dropbox, students can submit image and video files too large to send by email. Teachers can add notes and provide feedback on submitted assignments.

13. TeacherKit

Master classroom management with TeacherKit. Track attendance, engagement, participation, grades, and behavior all together. 

You can see a visual representation of which students participate more than others and decide when to change the seating arrangement. The tool also allows you to:

  • Communicate with students 
  • Share updates with parents

14. Vico

Teachers can tutor their students by recording whiteboard sessions and sharing them one-on-one or with a group. Learning can happen anywhere, and there’s an offline mode when Wi-Fi is unavailable. 

With Vico, students won’t feel alone in a virtual learning environment. Instead, they can receive as much one-on-one instruction as they would in an in-person classroom.

Communication Apps

Communication apps help teachers, students, and parents stay connected. With these apps, you can:

  • Share important announcements
  • Facilitate discussions
  • Send updates to keep everyone on the same page

Check out some of the best communication apps for teachers. 

15. Seesa

Excite your students with technology by letting them record their work step by step and create their portfolios with Seesaw. 

The teacher can monitor students’ ongoing progress, and parents can check in to see what’s happening in their child’s education. Use Seesaw for everyday homework or special projects and presentations.

16. ClassDojo

Use ClassDojo to communicate instructions to your class, watch their progress, and create groups for collaborative learning. Students can add pictures and videos to their portfolios, and teachers can choose background music to accompany different activities. 

The app translates message into more than 30 languages, making it a valuable tool in multilingual schools.

17. Slack

Communicate with the whole classroom by sending messages to everyone through a shared platform. Teachers can also send individual reminders and pointers through direct messages and create channels for students to communicate with each other on specific topics. 

You could add a new channel named #scienceproject to engage the classroom on current science lessons and homework.

18. Remind

Never let a back-to-school night or STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) workshop reminder get lost again. You can send text messages via Remind directly to parents and students. For example, if you have a school field trip the next day, send a reminder to wear the class T-shirt. With Remind, parents can text back and respond to any message.

Curriculum Apps

Curriculum apps can be beneficial for differentiating instruction. Use them to supplement your teaching and help students master grade-level skills. Here are some of the best curriculum apps for teachers.

19. Khan Academy

Subject matter experts create the lessons and content on Khan Academy. Teachers can use this digital platform to identify their students’ knowledge gaps. 

Then, students can keep working on a concept until they have mastered the skills and are ready to move on to the next subject. This app helps teachers tailor their teaching to each student's individual needs.

20. Quizizz

Gamify the educational experience by creating fun quizzes to engage your students and find out what they’re:

  • Learning 
  • Retaining

You can create interactive lessons, and then students can access quizzes to test their knowledge through their own devices. You can also run reports on each student's progress.

21. Prezi

Create a presentation from your phone or tablet with Prezi. Display your visual aids and yourself simultaneously to better engage with the audience. You can go live or record your presentation to share later. 

Use Prezi’s tools to create exciting and colorful content to make your presentation come alive and improve student engagement.

Language Learning Apps

Language learning apps are great for both teachers and students. Use them to help your students practice a new language or improve their skills. Here are some of the best language apps for education.

22. Duolingo

Use Duolingo for supplemental language practice. Duolingo’s repetition of vocabulary words and verb conjugations reinforces the lessons taught in class. Students can also practice their listening comprehension and pronunciation skills.

23. Memrise

Use Memrise to assist with language learning. The app uses an algorithm to determine the best time to test students to reinforce the lessons and improve their memorization skills. 

It also presents words and phrases that locals use, helping students learn about other cultures at the same time.

24. Dinolingo

With fun characters that will entertain kids, Dinolingo takes your students through games and videos to learn a language at their own pace. Courses for more than 50 languages are available. In addition, users can choose from books, songs, and worksheets to change up the activities. This app targets 2–12-year-olds. 

Educational Games

Educational games motivate students to learn by making practice fun. Check out these popular game apps and how they can help your students.

25. Kahoot!

Create an interactive learning game in minutes, using colors, pictures, videos, and more. Share an access PIN with students so they can each play the game from their own devices. Kahoot! Academy features characters from beloved Pixar and Disney movies to increase:

  • Interest
  • Participation

26. Spell Wizards

Students can get the extra spelling practice they need with Spell Wizards. Teachers can create engaging games to teach:

  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Typing
  • Listening

Introduce this app to a student who needs extra spelling help or use it with the whole class during vocabulary lessons.

27. Mathletics

This app provides lessons and games created by teachers, so you can find the practice exercises your students need to support them at any stage of their math education. 

You can assign curriculum-aligned games to each student so they can practice specific concepts. Use the app for whole-class learning or individualize the experience without singling anyone out.

28. Bee-Bot

This beginner coding app helps students map a path for an animated Bee-Bot. Using fundamental coding ideas introduces the student to concepts that are easy to understand. The student can progress to more complex puzzles as they go and get more familiar with coding.

Reading Apps

Use reading apps to help boost your students’ literacy skills. Here are some of the best reading apps for kids.

29. Epic!

This digitized reading library is more than just an online book source. You can personalize book recommendations for each student based on their reading level. 

Additionally, you can track their app usage time and see what kinds of books interest them the most.

30. News-O-Matic

Use nonfiction books for grades K–8 to teach current events and history. Or show a daily news presentation made for kids with the News-O-Matic app. You can easily integrate the news into social studies or social-emotional learning curricula.

31. Book Creator

Students can use Book Creator to make their digital books — like an autobiography or a science fiction story. They can:

  • Embed videos
  • Use templates
  • Insert pictures

Once the book is finished, you can share their work with parents and the rest of the class.

32. Tales2go

Audiobooks increase comprehension, language fluency, and vocabulary. Tales2go allows students to find thousands of stories to listen to. 

They can even bookmark their favorite stories and find similar books read by professional narrators.

Creative Teacher Apps

Apps that promote creativity can help both teachers and students. For instance, creative apps can help educators design engaging lessons. 

They also allow students to demonstrate their learning in innovative ways. Here are some creative teacher apps to check out.

33. Popplet

This chart-making app is simple enough for kindergarteners learning shapes and advanced enough for a high school student to create a timeline of World War II. 

Students can add text or pictures to the bubbles on the charts, which are an excellent tool for visual learning.

34.Comic Life

Help your students make their stories come alive with Comic Life. They can create a comic using their own images. Bubbles, letter art, fonts, and templates help guide the storyteller to create a comic book to share with family and teachers.

35. Fun with Directions HD

Teach students to follow simple directions and practice listening skills with this app. You can learn about a child’s comprehension and improve student communication.

Other Great Teacher Apps

36. Kodable Basics

Kodable Basics is a programming game that helps teach students from kindergarten through 5th the basics of computer programming in a fun and engaging way. This easy-to-use STEM activity also helps students build logical thinking and problem solving skills through:

  • Self-paced lessons
  • Immediate feedback
  • Unlimited creative activities

37. Doceo

We’ve heard from teachers that they want one app for everything: 

  • A planner
  • Diary
  • Schedule
  • Grade-book and seating plan configurator

iDoceo is a solution many teachers have started using. Offering the ability to keep attendance, plan seating, manage grades, and create reports, the app brands itself as an all-in-one solution for teachers’ everyday needs. From what we’ve seen, this claim is hard to argue with.

38. Evernote

One thing teachers have long sought is an app that helps them keep materials from each class separate so they know where everything is at all times. Rather than flipping through a notebook or scraping together scraps of paper, teachers can easily transition from one class and topic to the next. 

Our teachers who tested the app were impressed by its intuitive interface. They could jot down information, thoughts, or a to-do list in an instant.

39. Klassly

Klassly is one of those do-it-all apps teachers can use for just about anything. You can post polls, videos, pictures, updates, chat privately or in a group even request signatures from parents. Other great features we liked were the videoconferencing features, the ability to design and share:

  • Photobooks and yearbooks,
  • The instant, on-the-spot translations

The app also features a well-thought-through calendar with an appointments organizer, so you won’t miss a meeting with a parent again.

40. Freckle

One of the best things about Freckle is its ability to customize students’ level of work. Students get personalized Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies lessons tailored to their ability – so they’re constantly:

  • Engaged
  • Challenged

Our team of testers was impressed with the size of the curriculum (over 49,000 math questions and 16,000 ELA questions) and the accessible pre-test, which means every student starts at the right level. 

Age Appropriate

While the app isn’t very accessible for younger users (those in the first years of elementary school), we think it's perfect for middle and high school students.

41. Additio

Nowadays, many lesson planners don’t integrate with other tools teachers use. Whether it’s syncing data with Moodle or exporting attendance to Excel, teachers are often left in a bind. This is where Additio comes in.

Multi-Platform Integration

The app doesn’t only manage student assessment, plan lessons and communicate with students – but it can import or export things like grades and support materials to whatever platform your school uses, like:

  • Microsoft for Education
  • Excel
  • Google Classroom

You’ll also be able to communicate with parents and families directly from the app. We particularly liked the custom templates available, which are great for planning curriculum units and lessons.

42. Padlet

When the developers of Padlet told us the app was like paper for your screen – we wanted to put their claim to the test. What we found was this might even be an understatement. Not only can you write notes and text posts on the app, but you can:

  • Upload videos
  • Take photos
  • pload animations and documents right from the internet

Content Sharing

You can then share this amazing content on an e-learning platform like Moodle or PowerPoint. Students can even use the platform to create work themselves. Our testing team was particularly impressed with the intuitive user inference and the fast feel of the app, and the content we were able to create was very beautiful.  

The app is free to try out, but prices go up to $1000 a year for entire school and district-wide deployments.

43. Mentimeter

Mentimeter allows you to take real-time polls, ask questions, get feedback and connect with your class as students learn. Whether you’d like to quiz students on a history assignment or create an exciting icebreaker to start a lesson, Mentimeter provides a useful solution. 

We were particularly impressed with the simple, engaging designs of polls and feedback, which were perfect for displaying to classes.

E-Learning Integration

Teachers told us they found this app useful for e-learning, engaging classes that would otherwise be reluctant to participate. This was due to its easy integration with apps like:

  • PowerPoint
  • Teams
  • Zoom

44. Teacherkit

TeacherKit is a classroom management app that features:

  • Attendance tracing
  • Grading
  • Behavior management tools

This app aims to reduce the headache of routine tasks, giving you more time for instructional time in your day, week, and year.

45. Nearpod

Are you looking for an app to create multimedia-rich lessons, including slides, videos, quizzes, and collaborative activities? Nearpod is here to help! 

This interactive presentation tool helps increase student engagement in the classroom with:

  • Real-time feedback
  • Assessment features
  • Student progress tracking

46. Apple Classroom

While the name Apple Classroom suggests a similar app to Google Classroom, the two are vastly different solutions. Apple Classroom is an app made for teachers and works as a student monitoring solution. Available for iPad and Mac computers, it enables teachers to hold classes in a schoolroom, remotely, or through a combination of nearby and remote locations (called hybrid classes). 

This app is fantastic if you have Apple devices in your school or class. It allows you to monitor what students are doing on their devices and what other apps they have open (handy for sneaky game players!).. Apple Classroom can easily distribute and collect assignments from iPad devices, monitor student progress in educational iPad apps, collaborate one-on-one with students, and set up and manage collaboration between students.

47. Vivi

Vivi is awesome! It is a wireless presentation and screen mirroring tool that allows teachers and students to see the same screen on their devices. It enables teachers to teach without being tethered to the front of the classroom, building a more interactive, collaborative, and social classroom. It also allows students and teachers to annotate and save content in real time. 

Vivi is device agnostic, meaning it will work with any:

  • Device
  • Media
  • Learning type
  • Display

Any number of users and classrooms with no integrations necessary. The heart of the Vivi solution is the Vivi Box, which connects directly to a Display and handles all of the communication between user machines and what is shown on the Display.

48. Wordwall

Wordwall allows you to create your own resources and custom activities, such as easy quizzes, match-ups, word games, and more. You can develop interactives or printables using templates, choose from various visual styles and options, embed them on a website, assign activities to students, and share them with other teachers. 

I have found that Wordwall saves preparation time, enhances class interactivity, reduces paper use, and allows for more personalized learning. Tracking student performance is easy on its intuitive dashboard.

49. Zoom

Zoom was relatively unknown until 2000. Its role in enabling remote communication during the pandemic propelled it into the Oxford Dictionary’s Words of the Year. It also won the Forbes Education Award in 2020. 

Zoom is a powerful cloud video conferencing platform with a dedicated educational organization solution. It allows you to communicate with your student body, alumni base, and the entire campus community using a single streamlined platform.

50. Trello

Trello is an advanced to-do list app that syncs via the cloud across all devices, so you will always have access to your work schedule. You can create multiple lists of tasks to be completed, upload images, and assign tasks to students individually and in groups (this is particularly useful when students are working on group projects). Trello can also map out the course syllabus and track student progress.

51. Prodigy

Prodigy helps kids by providing a fun and engaging platform for learning math and English skills. It offers curriculum-aligned games that make learning an adventure. The platform’s adaptive algorithm tailors educational content to each child’s unique needs, ensuring they progress at their own pace. It also offers insights into students’ progress, motivating them to practice new skills and track development. 

I have witnessed entire classes become highly competitive, working rapidly and thoroughly during quizzes while pitting their intelligence against other classes. Students must create an account and provide a parent’s email to sign up. The course is mainly aimed at practice rather than initial instruction and gives excellent feedback for incorrect answers, so it helps students of all abilities show progress.

52. Pear Assessment (Edulastic)

Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic) is a versatile tool for formative assessment in K-12 teaching and learning. It allows teachers to check student understanding, collect valuable data on student learning, and modify instruction based on that data. I like its features, which include real-time student feedback, collaborative learning, and differentiated practice. 

It also provides on-demand tutoring, enhancing teacher-student interactions and supporting student mastery. Like other apps I have mentioned, teachers can share assignments with their students, but as students complete their tasks, they can differentiate follow-up instructions individually.

53. Formative

With Formative, teachers can create (well!) formative assessments that students can complete at their own pace and submit on their devices. These assessments enable data-driven decisions, provide focused and targeted feedback, and increase student engagement. As a teacher, you can even transform a PDF or Google Doc into a quiz that marks automatically. 

It encourages students to become self-regulated learners by providing opportunities to review and correct their work, promoting autonomy and independence. Formative integrates seamlessly with Google Classroom and can be accessed there without switching between apps. One brilliant feature is allowing file uploads and embedding video and audio into the assessments.

54. Plickers

Plickers help teachers collect real-time data without requiring students to use technology. It doesn’t require students to have a device at all! Plickers uses a unique system of QR code cards and a mobile app, allowing teachers to quickly gather and analyze student responses to multiple-choice questions. Each student is assigned a unique card with a QR code, which they hold up with a specific letter (A, B, C, or D) facing up to indicate their answer choice. The teacher then scans the room with their smartphone using the Plickers app, which reads and records responses.

55. Classkick

Classkick is a whiteboard-type app that allows teachers to monitor students’ work in real-time, enabling them to provide individualized feedback and grade work. Teachers can create a lesson using any subject area content and add links, recordings, videos, and additional text to support learning. 

As students work through the lesson on their devices, teachers can see thumbnails of their work and assist. Students can also seek help from peers, even anonymously. I have seen that Classkick effectively fosters a supportive learning environment that promotes critical thinking and group-based problem-solving.

56. Gimkit

Gimkit is a supercharged version of Kahoot and Quizziz. It allows students to take quizzes similarly to the other two, but unlike Kahoot and Quizizz, students answer questions independently, earning in-game “cash” by answering correctly. 

And they must be careful; an incorrect answer will cost! The quizzes are time-based or are based on the amount of cash earned. Students can reinvest their money by purchasing upgrades & powerups. With millions of combinations, students can make purchases that suit their strengths.

57. Doink Green Screen

We’ve seen green screen technology used in films and TV shows for years. Doink Green Screen gives you the same experience in your classroom! The possibilities are endless! You don’t need expensive equipment or a dedicated green screen studio. 

You'll need just the app and maybe a green curtain or plastic tablecloth (from a dollar/pound shop). You can put yourself or your students into space, at famous monuments or buildings around the world, or even undersea!

58. Classtree

Classtree is one of the more modern teaching applications, working like a social media platform. The app allows users to easily manage classes and post photos or documents for others to like and comment on. 

There’s another useful feature where you can upload consent forms (for field trips, for example) and prompt parents’ e-signatures. The user interface is intuitive and modern-looking, making navigating easy even if you're not tech-savvy. Plus, there are various customization options so the app can fit your teaching style perfectly.

59. Attendance

Attendance is a simple but helpful app for attendance tracking. With it, you can easily track who is in your class and when they are absent. You can even import student lists from text files and upload student photos. The app generates reports to monitor student attendance patterns over time. This makes it easy to stay on top of attendance issues in your classroom, saving both time and effort.


ClassPoint is an interactive all-in-one teaching tool made for educators and integrated seamlessly with Microsoft PowerPoint. ClassPoint elevates PowerPoint presentations through annotation and presentation features, interactive audience quizzes, and an advanced gamification system without needing student devices. You can also get AI-generated questions in PowerPoint in a few clicks!

61. Parlay Genie

Parlay Genie is an interactive classroom discussion platform that facilitates structured discussions by providing discussion prompts and real-time tracking of student participation. Educators can assess student contributions and seamlessly integrate discussions into their curriculum using this platform, promoting critical thinking in the classroom.

62. Socratic

Socratic is an AI-powered homework assistance app that helps students with their homework and studies. They can take a photo of a question or type it in, and the app provides visual step-by-step explanations, answers, and additional resources, making it a valuable tool for independent learning.

63. Animoto

Animoto is a video creation platform allowing you to easily produce professional-quality videos and slideshows. It operates through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, offers customizable templates and music options, and is suitable for various purposes, including presentations, marketing, and storytelling for teachers and students.

64. EdSurge

Stay up-to-date with education news with this teacher app. EdSurge is an educational technology news and resource website that provides educators with insights into the latest trends, tools, and practices in education technology. It serves as a valuable platform for staying informed about advancements in educational technology.

9 Microsoft Apps Every Teacher Must Learn and Use

microsoft logo - Teacher Apps

1. Unlocking Organizational Power with OneNote 

Microsoft OneNote is a powerful tool that significantly aids teachers' daily work. With OneNote, teachers can:

  • Effortlessly organize their lesson plans, create digital notebooks, and collaborate with students and colleagues. 
  • It allows them to compile and share resources, including documents, images, and videos, fostering a rich and interactive learning environment. 
  • Enables teachers to personalize instruction, annotate assignments, and provide timely feedback to students. 
  • It also facilitates seamless communication and file sharing, streamlining the workflow and enhancing productivity. 

2. Collaborate and Communicate with Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft Teams is a game-changer for teachers, providing a comprehensive communication, collaboration, and classroom management platform. With Teams, teachers can:

  • Conduct virtual classes
  • Engage with students through video conferences
  • Share educational resources seamlessly. 

It offers a centralized hub where teachers can:

  • Distribute assignments
  • Provide feedback
  • Facilitate discussions

Teams also allow for real-time student collaboration, enabling group projects and fostering teamwork. Its integration with other Microsoft tools simplifies workflows, sharing files, organizing schedules, and streamlining administrative tasks effortlessly. 

3. Create Interactive Presentations with Sway 

Microsoft Sway empowers teachers to create visually captivating and interactive presentations, making lessons more engaging and impactful. Teachers can combine text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements with Sway to craft dynamic and immersive content. It allows for easy customization, ensuring that presentations align with the specific needs of each lesson and student audience. 

Sway's user-friendly interface and intuitive design tools enable teachers to create professional-looking presentations without extensive technical expertise. Sway presentations can be easily shared with students, fostering collaboration and providing a platform for interactive learning experiences. 

4. Enhance Learning with PowerPoint 

Microsoft PowerPoint is a valuable tool that empowers teachers to deliver engaging and visually appealing presentations. With PowerPoint, teachers can:

  • Create multimedia-rich slideshows that enhance their lessons and captivate students' attention. 
  • It provides a user-friendly interface with a wide range of design features, allowing teachers to create professional-looking slides easily. 
  • Enables the integration of images, videos, audio clips, and animations, making complex concepts more accessible and memorable. 
  • Teachers can leverage PowerPoint's presenter view to keep their notes and timings organized during presentations. 

5. Streamline Data Management with Excel 

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits for teachers in managing and analyzing data. It allows teachers to efficiently organize and track student information, grades, attendance, and other important data in customizable spreadsheets. Excel's formula and function capabilities enable teachers to:

  • Perform calculations
  • Generate statistical analyses
  • Create visually informative charts and graphs

It simplifies the process of:

  • Generating reports
  • Creating grade books
  • Identifying student trends or patterns

With Excel, teachers can save time, streamline administrative tasks, and gain valuable insights to make data-driven classroom decisions. 

6. Foster Creativity with Microsoft Whiteboard 

Microsoft Whiteboard is a versatile tool that greatly assists teachers in fostering collaboration and creativity in the classroom. It provides a digital canvas where teachers can:

  • Brainstorm ideas, sketch diagrams, and illustrate concepts in real time. 
  • Encourages active participation by allowing students to contribute and collaborate, whether physically present or participating remotely. 
  • Teachers can use its interactive features, such as sticky notes, drawing tools, and text boxes, to facilitate engaging discussions and visual representations. 
  • Create engaging presentations, visualize complex ideas, and dynamically demonstrate concepts. 

7. Assess Student Learning with Forms 

Microsoft Forms is an invaluable tool for teachers that easily facilitates the creation of surveys, quizzes, and assessments. With Forms, teachers can:

  • Design customized feedback and evaluation forms, collect responses and straightforwardly analyze data. 
  • Gather insights, gauge student understanding, and make data-driven instructional decisions. 
  • Allows the creation of visually appealing and interactive forms, ensuring student engagement. 
  • Offers features like automatic grading, real-time response tracking, and seamless integration with other Microsoft tools. 

8. Engage Students with Minecraft Education Edition 

Microsoft Minecraft Education Edition is a powerful educational tool that helps teachers create immersive and engaging learning experiences. With Minecraft, teachers can:

  • Design virtual worlds that align with specific curriculum objectives, allowing students to explore, collaborate, and problem-solve in a dynamic environment. 
  • Promotes creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork as students build, experiment, and apply knowledge in a hands-on way. 
  • Offers a range of educational resources, lesson plans, and tools for educators to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. 
  • It provides a platform where students can learn various subjects, develop digital literacy skills, and foster their imagination. 

You can learn to use and implement tools like Minecraft Education Edition through courses like the Coding Course for Educators offered by upEducators. This course teaches coding through different easy-to-use coding platforms, so one can learn and even teach coding to students. 

9. Create Visuals with Bing Image Creator 

Bing Image Creator is an AI image creator that allows you to:

  • Create visually appealing images and designs based on text inputs. 
  • Offers a range of image editing features and design templates
  • This enables you to customize graphics for various purposes, including educational materials, presentations, and digital content.

6 Reasons Why Teachers Don’t Use Technology in the Classroom

students in a classroom - Teacher Apps

1. Resistance to Change: Not All Teachers Want to Use New Tech

In every school, some tech-savvy educators are excited to use new tools. They often encounter resistance from their colleagues who are not so keen on adopting new technologies. According to one primary school teacher, if more teachers were open to using a specific device or app, then the school administration would probably get it for them. 

Some teachers would love to have a specific device or app for a particular class they are teaching:

  • Physics
  • Maths
  • Biology

Other educators don’t know or don’t want to understand the benefits or the possibilities of that particular type of tool, they down-vote it or simply reject investing in them. 

2. Lack of Training: School Buys Devices, But Teachers Don’t Know How to Use Them

Some schools have decided to invest in some tools to digitalize the school or to support classrooms. The majority of them haven’t trained the teachers to properly use them or shine some light on how to effectively use these solutions to enhance their lesson plans. As a result, the hardware and apps don’t get used and get forgotten.

My school decided to invest in some tablets and learning apps, but we didn’t know what to use them for after 1–2 lessons… Now they are just laying there.” This obstacle was mentioned time and again by the majority of teachers, and it is strongly related to the next two points, so keep reading! 

3. Missing Lesson Plans: How Do You Implement This New Tech?

Teachers often get discouraged when they find a solution and realize that they have no idea how they can implement it in their classroom for the semester or even the whole year. If the teacher could get those lesson plans or suggestions in advance then they believe that it will help them convince school directors to buy the solution. But first, they need a little push, inspiration, and guidance from the supplier. 

4. Lack of Clear Communication from EdTech Providers

Communication is key. Teachers who have had encounters with EdTech companies feel that they weren’t explanatory enough about the value of their product. They are still left with questions like: 

  • What can I do with it that I can’t already do now? 
  • Where can I read about case studies of other schools? 
  • How can you guarantee that it will solve the problem that you are targeting? 
  • Will it really make a difference and if so how? 

Teachers want to know and understand why the product is good and easy to use. This is especially true for reluctant teachers. So, if you own an EdTech company, make sure your team addresses these questions. 

5. Fear of Losing Control of the Classroom

Some teachers have expressed their fear of not being able to control what kids do on their screens. They also think that if technology is introduced in their lessons then kids wouldn’t be so interested in the lesson and the content itself. Also, one high-school teacher explained that she wouldn’t use technology in the classroom because of her lack of confidence using the devices and tools. “Kids know how to use these things more than I do, I fear that I wouldn’t be able to control them and keep them focused.” 

6. Poor Internet Connection

Teachers prefer applications and tools that can work offline. It ensures the teacher that students can use them over and over again without having any problems due to a bad Wifi connection. Therefore, some teachers with unstable or low-speed internet will get hesitant about downloading certain apps if they know that it will interfere or even suspend their lessons.

Related Reading

Can the New Technology of Education Replace the Teachers?

ai bots - Teacher Apps

Educational technology is improving at an astonishing rate. Artificial intelligence can now analyze students' learning habits and personalize instruction to help them master complex concepts. Virtual learning environments can mimic the traditional classroom with features such as:

  • Group discussions
  • Independent study
  • One-on-one teacher support
  • Learning applications to gamify lessons

With such innovations, it's easy to understand why some teachers are worried about being replaced. As technology takes over, will there still be a need for human instructors? The answer is no. No matter how advanced technologies become, they will never replace the invaluable skills and knowledge that teachers bring to the classroom. 

Technology Vs. Teachers: An Overview

It's well-known that technology is replacing almost everything in this modern era. In the digital age, paper books have been replaced by e-books and PDFs, and pens have been replaced by software. Can this modern technology replace teachers? Will this technology mature enough to teach children the way virtual teachers do? Will it eliminate the need for human teachers?

Absolutely not. Technology is only an adjunct to teachers. It can support the learning process but cannot replace the role of the teacher. 

Online Resources on Teaching and Learning

Having online resources available to students, what does a teacher need to do anymore? After the popularity of online learning, discussions began on this topic. Computers have also become more common in classrooms. Social media is growing in learning environments, and many learning apps are available for children. 

Irreplaceable Role of Teachers in Guiding Student Development

Students need teachers to guide them in learning practical science, technology, engineering, arts, and mechanical skills. Technology cannot teach these human skills, so children need teachers to learn critical skills such as:

  • Decision-making
  • Time management and more

​​Limitations of Technology in Fostering Human Skills and Critical Thinking

Neither advanced technology nor intelligent computer programs or products can match the knowledge provided by a teacher. Studies have repeatedly shown that teachers can bring about changes that technology cannot. 

Effective teachers encourage independent thinking and independent learning. They can be positive influencers and motivate others to set and achieve goals. The bond between teachers and students creates the perfect learning environment, which can never be achieved with virtual learning. 

Unique Impact of Teachers as Mentors and Inspirations

Even parents often fail to convey all the values that teachers effortlessly impart. Teachers' importance should not be underestimated, especially with young children. It is imperative to remember that teachers are not mere transmitters of knowledge. 

Teachers also act as guides, mentors, and inspirations for their students. Technology cannot replace this role. Given critical skills such as:

The Synergy Between Technology and Human Educators​​

Technology plays a supporting role, but teachers bring it all together. Technology is certainly changing how students learn, but it cannot replace teachers. Quality teachers create a classroom culture that motivates students and puts them on the path to success. Technology cannot inspire people, help them fight, fight back, or help them rise.

How to Implement Technology in the Classroom Smoothly

students in a classroom - Teacher Apps

Tech Training: Get Your Teachers Up to Speed

Before your teachers can enthusiastically adopt technology or teach it to students, they’ll need training.  

  • Start with technical training on learning management systems or other tools all teachers will use. 
  • Offer optional training on other tech tools that may be helpful. 
  • You should also discuss what teaching and learning will “look like” in this new environment. 
  • Encourage teachers to voice their ideas, questions, and concerns. 

Note that students, too, will need time to practice with new technology before they’re expected to use it for assignments and assessments.

Be Proactive: Anticipate Problems Before They Happen 

Address potential scenarios like laptops becoming a distraction, tech malfunctioning, damage to laptops, etc. Consider: 

  • Where will students go for help if a device is not working? 
  • What will constitute a device “emergency? 
  • When will students be allowed to leave class for tech help? 

If you’re doing a 1:1 program, how will you smoothly distribute devices to students? Orientation is often a good way to get devices into students’ hands and have both students and parents sign off on receipt of the device.

How will you communicate expectations about device use? Be sure to create a Responsible Use Policy that goes to both students and parents. 

How will you reduce damage to devices? What will you do if a device is damaged? If you want technology to run smoothly at your school, consider possible challenges and plan for them. It’s also helpful to have a tech support staff to fix issues as they occur. 

After all, teachers shouldn’t spend significant time troubleshooting tech. Having a school/parent communication app also can facilitate transparency surrounding device policies and enable parents to reach out when issues occur.

Complement, Not Substitute: Technology Should Support Good Teaching 

Technology should complement lessons delivered by the teacher. It should not (and cannot) serve as a substitute for the teacher. Teachers should still:

  • Interact with students
  • Provide feedback and assistance,
  • Deliver engaging, accessible lessons

Technology can complement these lessons by making them more personalized and providing new ways for students to interact with the content.

Student Choice: Harness Technology to Foster Personalization 

One of the most powerful advantages of technology is personalization and student choice. Encourage teachers to share the big idea, then allow students to choose how they will share their learning. In this way, teachers can address multiple intelligences and engage diverse learners. 

For example, students might:

  • Write a report
  • Create a movie
  • Build an infographic
  • Make a PowerPoint or Prezi

These options can be introduced early in the school year and made available as often.

Related Reading

Save Time While Grading Schoolwork with EssayGrader's Grading Software for Teachers

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by over 60,000 educators worldwide. On average, a teacher takes 10 minutes to grade a single essay. With EssayGrader, that time is cut down to just 30 seconds. That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. With EssayGrader, teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria. 
  • They can set up fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our essay summarizer

Our AI tool helps primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays. Over half a million essays were graded by 60,000+ teachers on our platform. 

Why Use EssayGrader?

EssayGrader is a game changer for teachers. With the help of AI, educators can finally tackle essay assignments without the stress and anxiety of how long grading the papers will take. Instead, they can return to what they love most about teaching: helping students improve their writing skills.

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